01 Feb

Hello, again, reader. It's good to sit down and write something to you again.

I hope you're well. January was a strange month on my end. There's been a snow storm throughout most of the prairies, which is where I currently reside. It's minus thirty (Celsius) everywhere. It feels like no one goes out much in this weather, and like there's nothing much to do. I'd feel like a recluse, except I currently work and do various other activities, so as much as I'd like to hibernate, I can't. Still though, it doesn't feel like I'm walking anywhere further than my front door on most days. So, like I said, it's been strange. However, I think I noticed some important stuff this month, despite being stuck in scary temperatures and awful driving conditions: I learnt that I can pull off red lipstick, which I never thought I could, and also, that everything we do matters.

I had a strange few days of wondering if I really am on the right path of being a writer, photographer, film maker. If my future self will be glad I chose this path, the creative path. If my future self will remember this time, or care. Am I doing what I'm really made to be doing? 

Am I creating something that matters to me?

And, reader, I guess you could say I had some sort of realization.

If you're wondering if any of this matters, it does. It all matters. Your art matters, what you're doing right now matters, how you make people smile matters. If you buy your friend coffee for no reason except that they're your friend and they deserve good things, that matters. If you smile at a stranger, that matters. Everything you do, big or small, matters.

But I think, if you're wondering if what you're creating, what you're manifesting matters, you will know it, in not just in your bones, but in your soul.

I think, despite everything the outside world is shouting at you, you know your identity. You know your truth. You know that what you're doing right now matters, and whether or not you are creating what makes your heart happy.

The chaos of this world doesn't stand a chance against you.

Please, keep creating. Keep reading. Keep smiling at strangers. It all matters.

(And, if you are wondering what the actual fuck happened to Maddy Hart, the answer is: she watched a lot of coming of age style movies, and also, despite the cold, despite the storm, she is smiling, because whenever there's a big storm, you can go to an art gallery and stare at the paintings. In fact, I think I'm going to go do that tomorrow.)

Keep making your art. Keep submitting it to Peach. Because, if you're wondering if it matters, if you should toss it out into the world, just know that at least it's making one person smile (me.) And, hopefully, it is making you smile, too. And that is enough, more than enough, really.

Happy February.

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