30 Jan

Stormie Conn is a poet. She’s a poet who writes candidly and exceptionally and emotionally.
She’s a poet who just published a book of poems.
Moments of Impact is exactly what it sounds like— a collection of poems about moments small
and large that have made an impact on Stormie as she has grown and changed. The poems, all
ranging from about being heartbroken to being the heartbreaker, from self love and growth to
friendship, are all grounded and direct and concrete, making the impact they have on their
readers hit a little harder, a little closer to home than most might.
In each of her poems, a reader can find a thought, a line, a metaphor, an image, that resonates
with them. Something that they read and immediately think, “Ouch,” or “Wow,” or “Damn,”—
something that they can relate to. A small punch that hitches your breath every so slightly. One
that tells you, that reassures you, that no one is ever really going through something alone.
A few example of lines that hit me hard:
“I grew tired of you kissing me like a requirement and saying you loved me like a forced
“My words are finally starting to feel less like something that belonged to you, and more like
something that’s mine.”
“My name still feels like a pair of heels that I haven’t grown into just yet.”
Overall, this lovely little book of poems is worth the read, and worth the purchase. Keep it on
your nightstand, on your coffee table, on your bookshelf— anywhere that’s easy to reach
because you’ll want to keep going back to it once you’ve finished it.

(You can purchase the book here. Also, be sure to follow and support both Steph and Stormie!)

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