This is supposed to be a closure poem, the I moved on poem, the there are so many fish in the sea and I threw you back in poem.
This is supposed to be the poem where I am victorious and reclaim my heart from you. The poem where I say goodbye to you, where I write off an ending and throw the cliffhanger a ladder.
This is supposed to be the poem where I become the woman who escaped from your clutches, who sharpened her eyeliner and rode into the battlefield with a white flag that said, "it's okay. There's an ending to this."
This was supposed to be like us, supposed to sound like your explanation to our intimacy. Supposed to feel like we ended whatever was going on between us. Supposed to fit into a box and be shipped off where the address never leads back to me, where I don't want to open that box again to you.
There's supposed to be a closure to us...
But you won't give me that,
And I can't even give me that.

"I took this picture the morning of our third kiss. Knowing today was going to mean something, but not knowing the clouds were parting as well as your lips, to signify we never had closure in the first place."
((All words and images by Ashley High (@ashley_high_poetry on Instagram) See Ashley's other works on Peach here. ))