01 Jan

When the New year rolls around, make sure to take your driven personality trait, and make the best out of it. It’s easy for you to start new projects but get a new idea and work on that one without finishing the first one. Try and limit yourself on how many ideas you can work on, write them all down and come back to them later, finish your first project. 
You juggle too much at the same time, make sure to let this year be the year where you let yourself find patience. 
I know you hate being wrong, and you’re extremely competitive, these two things, are usually not a good mix when it comes to arguments. So this year, let yourself admit your faults, and know that not everyone is perfect, and it’s okay to be wrong.


Why do you look for other people’s approval? This year, focus on your own needs and wants, what makes you you, don’t let other people control you so easily. 
You’re too stubborn, and you let it get the best of you, which is why you’re okay with letting people take advantage of you, you know you’re worth more, so demand to be treated with the respect you deserve. And make sure that this year, you don’t let anyone take advantage of you again. 
You don’t like to compromise what you have for less, which is understandable, but it can result in you missing out on a big opportunity in life. So make sure that you’re letting yourself have the most in life. 
You’re extremely generous, which is amazing, but make sure this year, that you’re not giving too much of yourself that it drains you, you tend to do that a lot.


This year, keep your heart open to change and new opportunities. Change may not be particularly thrilling to you, but it' going to be a big part of the new year. This is the year when you will grow as a person, and realize who your true friends are. However, these changes will only benefit you if your heart and mind is open to receiving them, opposing change will only make you grow despondent. It is also important that you work on the friendships you currently have, as that will help you realize who you want in your life long term, and who you should leave behind as you grow. New year, new me? Couldn't ring truer. Opportunities are coming your way!


You feel a lot of emotions, which is both a blessing and a curse. It can make you more empathetic to other people's problems, which is great. However, your feelings can also drag you down. You tend to focus on the negative sometimes, and you feel personally responsible when something goes wrong. Try to find silver linings this year, because there always is one, you just need to find it. Looking at things with this attitude will make you feel a vigor and enthusiasm for life that you haven't felt in years.

You're also very creative and imaginative, but you don't focus on that enough. This could be the year for you to pursue a new creative project!


You’re going to kick off the New Year making your friends feel like they’re royalty by just how loyal you are to them. You’re caring and overly generous to those you care about, so I’m sure this year will be full of love and thankfulness from those around you. 
You’re extremely stubborn though, which can result in you holding back from those who can’t see your way. This year, try and take in other people’s views, maybe you’ll find that your way doesn’t always have to be right, and that’s okay. This year, take the time to grow as a person, and learn more.


Sometimes you put yourselves and others in boxes, which isn't beneficial. This year, try to see the world with brand new eyes and realize that no one is as they seem - including yourself. Possibilities are endless, and there really aren't any boxes in the world once you learn to think outside them.

You are a very kind hearted person, and you enjoy having love in your life. However, this year you should be cautious when it comes to romance: remember, no one is as they seem, and people can disappoint you. However, don't let that stop you from meeting new people, as you could meet some great people this year if you put yourself out there. It's going to be a great year!


You tend to be hesitant with decision making. You worry about hurting people's feelings, and this stops you from speaking the truth. This year, seek power in the knowledge that you know your truth: now, all you need is the courage to speak it. You will find that courage this year, if only you are open to receiving it. Embrace moments of courage and speak your mind.

This is also a good year to be on your own for a while. True love is out there, but you must wait for it. Settling for relationships that aren't a good fit will only cause you to miss your chance with the person who is right for you. Be patient!


You don't realize the power inside of you. You have an ability to speak what everyone else is afraid to, if only you harness that ability. People feel alive around you, as you have an ability to get everyone to loosen up. You're not nearly confident enough with yourself, though, as you don't realize how the outside world perceives you. You are very stuck in your head, and often doubt yourself. This year, please be kind to yourself when making mistakes, and practice forgiveness: with yourself, and with others. Forgiveness is something you need to practice, as it doesn't come easily to you, but it is going to be incredibly worth it!


This year, it’s all about trying to compromise, which I know you have trouble with. You know what you want, which is admirable, but at times, it can cause you to get a little controlling. Make sure to take this year and learn from it that you can still get what you want, even if it means compromising a little. 
You like to tell things the way they are, which can get you in a little bit of a knot. I’m not saying to learn how to bite your tongue this year, but maybe learn how to ice a burn for someone who gets in your way. 
You’re full of optimism, which is a great way to start the New Year. So if the year starts to seem all dark and gloomy, you’ll be able to see the sliver lining in the end. You’ve got New Years in the bag, this year, and the next after that.


You're very ambitious and driven, but you don't take enough time to rest, which will make it hard to accomplish the things you want to do. Make sure you practice self care this year, because without it you'll lack the motivation to get things done. Take some time to read a favorite book, take a walk, listen to a podcast, or have a nap - or even just sit with your thoughts! You'll thank yourself for it.

Sometimes, you mask your feelings for the sake of others, which isn't beneficial to you at all. This year, try to stand up for yourself once in a while - you'll see just how strong you feel once you do!


I know you dread the new year, you’re scared that it won’t live up to your expectations. You worry too much about what you have to do than actually doing it. Try to stray away from worrying, you’ll get things done that way. 
Stop focusing on relationships this year, you never have the time to focus on healing yourself mentally when you make living about providing intimacy for someone else. Really learn about yourself, you’ll find that there is so much more you have yet to discover. 
And make the new year about getting out of your comfort zone, you rely too much on pre-made safety nets. Taste the real world instead of the one you’ve made to be some monster, I know the world is scary, but you’ll never truly find the beautiful things if you hide from the ugly ones you hear about in tv news.


You take everything to heart, and it hits home a little too hard, but it’s okay. I know your emotions are a little more challenging and not all rooted into the ground. Let yourself take time to analyze those emotions this year. 
It’s okay to be a dreamer, but don’t let yourself live on cloud nine, because you need to make sure you can achieve those said dreams. 
And I know it’s hard for you to say no, especially to those you love. Don’t take on too much this year, let yourself breathe for once. It’s okay to say “no”. Take care of yourself first before others.

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